Mac and Cheese PLEASE

The other day I was discussing food with my dad. Although a fairly common topic of conversation for us, something came up that I had to share. He reminded me that he used to make cheese sauce in the microwave and before he could finish his sentence I shouted “and you used to let me mix it!” Although this may not seem exciting to you – mixing things used to be my passion. Granted I was 5 years old, it was still one of my hobbies.  Cheese sauce used to be my favourite pasta sauce because it meant that I was getting mac and cheese for dinner – a meal I have always loved. In fact, I love it so much that my boyfriend arrives at my house with a 1kg microwave meal for us to share – regularly. Naturally I eat most of it. Back to the point, this afternoon I was desperate for lunch and I didn’t want to go down to the shops – a clear habit of mine. I remembered the conversation with my dad and instead of buying a microwave meal, I made my own.

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Feeling Crispy?

Ever had a sudden craving for crisps? One that only salty and crispy chips will settle – I had one the other day. I had no money in my purse and almost no petrol in my car. I wasn’t prepared to walk down to the shops to buy a packet of 40% crisps and 60% air. Instead I went to my kitchen and got cooking.

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Recently I started eating eggs for breakfast on a regular basis. I noticed that they keep me fuller for longer which is really great for when I’m on the go and have a busy day or in a rush – as usual. Eggs are not strictly morning meals, they’re great for lunches and dinners too. Eggs can be different and exciting while catering to different tastes.

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