DIY Coffee Pod Scrub

Coffee scrub has been a big fad for a while. Since I’m not an avid coffee drinker I never got into the trend of scrubbing my body with coffee, nor did I see the point in it. That is, until now. I’ve seen so many people that can’t get enough of coffee scrubs. Scruff – a proudly South African product – has the most incredible reviews. I’ve also seen many other companies producing similar products all across Australia and America via Instagram. Coffee scrub is great for improving cellulite, exfoliation, increasing blood flow and can help improve acne (yay). Luckily for me, I am on holiday and I’m slightly stir crazy. So I got the idea to make my own coffee scrub and boy am I glad I did.  Continue reading

Mac and Cheese PLEASE

The other day I was discussing food with my dad. Although a fairly common topic of conversation for us, something came up that I had to share. He reminded me that he used to make cheese sauce in the microwave and before he could finish his sentence I shouted “and you used to let me mix it!” Although this may not seem exciting to you – mixing things used to be my passion. Granted I was 5 years old, it was still one of my hobbies.  Cheese sauce used to be my favourite pasta sauce because it meant that I was getting mac and cheese for dinner – a meal I have always loved. In fact, I love it so much that my boyfriend arrives at my house with a 1kg microwave meal for us to share – regularly. Naturally I eat most of it. Back to the point, this afternoon I was desperate for lunch and I didn’t want to go down to the shops – a clear habit of mine. I remembered the conversation with my dad and instead of buying a microwave meal, I made my own.

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