Simple Spaghetti Bolognese

Bolognese sauce was probably the first mildly complicated thing that I ever learned how to cook. It was also one of the healthiest things that I ate from a young age. The kindergarten school that I went to served lunch everyday and spaghetti bolognese was my absolute favourite. I wouldn’t eat it if my parents made it for me, I’d only eat it there. I then matured onto the readymade meals from Woolworths. I was horrified when I saw that there were carrots in the sauce when I read the ingredients – my parents were thrilled.

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Cantaloupe, Kiwi & Lime Popsicles

On Friday I discovered the most exciting shop – Food Lover’s Market. It’s a offshoot from popular grocery chain Fruit & Veg City. I spent over half an hour in the shop and I was excited for every minute. There were crates of fruit and vegetables that stretched on for what seemed like kilometres. Not only are their prices fantastic but the food also looked fresh and delicious. That being said, I did not leave empty handed. I came home with crates of fruit. They were cheap, I couldn’t possibly walk away from a crate of limes that cost R29 when it cost R5 for one – could you? I then came home to realise that I didn’t like limes as much as I thought I did and instantly regretted buying my crate. However, I came up with a fantastic solution.

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As I have mentioned before, I am not a lettuce fan. I’m always experimenting when it comes to making salads just so I can avoid using lettuce – in its many shapes and sizes. Since I eat salads regularly, I try to come up with new combinations as often as I can to avoid getting tired and bored of the same meal. Besides, how can I make a post about salad dressing but not provide you with any salads? Below are three of my favourite salads, they’re all great for when you’re on the go.

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Mac and Cheese PLEASE

The other day I was discussing food with my dad. Although a fairly common topic of conversation for us, something came up that I had to share. He reminded me that he used to make cheese sauce in the microwave and before he could finish his sentence I shouted “and you used to let me mix it!” Although this may not seem exciting to you – mixing things used to be my passion. Granted I was 5 years old, it was still one of my hobbies.  Cheese sauce used to be my favourite pasta sauce because it meant that I was getting mac and cheese for dinner – a meal I have always loved. In fact, I love it so much that my boyfriend arrives at my house with a 1kg microwave meal for us to share – regularly. Naturally I eat most of it. Back to the point, this afternoon I was desperate for lunch and I didn’t want to go down to the shops – a clear habit of mine. I remembered the conversation with my dad and instead of buying a microwave meal, I made my own.

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